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What is Fibromyalgia?

By: Jack Claridge - Updated: 2 May 2021 | comments*Discuss
Fibromyalgia Pain Symptoms Doctor

Fibromyalgia is a condition whereby your body’s normal receptors in the central nervous system transform non-painful signals into painful ones; thus leaving the sufferer feeling localised pain where there shouldn’t be any.

The condition is similar to M.E (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) in some of its symptoms but where it differs is in how it is diagnosed. Fibromyalgia is very difficult to diagnose whereas M.E (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) has some tell-tale signs.

How Do I Know if I Have Fibromyalgia?

Unfortunately for sufferers of Fibromyalgia if you haven’t already had a diagnosis from your doctor then you may have quite a wait before a diagnosis is settled upon. Many individuals who suffer from the condition do so under something of a cloud; that cloud is not only a lack of diagnosis but also the knowledge that if Fibromyalgia is diagnosed then it has no cure.

Many sufferers of Fibromyalgia have to wait some time for a diagnosis to be made and it can be made only after all other conditions including M.E (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) have been ruled out. Indeed so difficult is it to diagnose that it can take a number of years before your doctor – after consulting with specialists and consultants – will settle on a final diagnosis.

The Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia has a number of symptoms which are common among many sufferers; having said this many sufferers also experience a completely different set of symptoms depending on the severity of their condition. Here, however, we list the most common symptoms to be had by Fibromyalgia sufferers:

  • Fatigue
  • Muscle stiffness
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Poor short term memory
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Tinnitus

As mentioned previously the aforementioned list is just a selection of the variety of symptoms that are experienced by the many Fibromyalgia sufferers in the United Kingdom alone. These symptoms are also accompanied by a wider variety of symptoms that are specific to each individual case and any doctor will tell you that no two Fibromyalgia sufferers experience exactly the same set of symptoms.

What Can I Do if I Have Fibromyalgia?

Unfortunately the answer to this question is not the most positive; the answer is simply there is not much you can do as Fibromyalgia has no cure. Your doctor however can help treat certain aspects of the condition such as the pain factor and the inability to sleep. However he or she cannot provide you with an all-in-one cure as Fibromyalgia and M.E (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) simply do not have one.

The severity of your condition depends on what kind of lifestyle you lead. Some sufferers only have occasional ‘flare-ups’ and manage to continue with their lives in much the same way as they did before the condition arose; however there are others at the other end of the spectrum who find that the Fibromyalgia is so chronic that they are unable to function in the same way.

Chronic sufferers of the condition experience a complete change in their lifestyle and do find that they have to sacrifice certain activities – in particular those which involve a lot of physical movement. They may also experience problems with everyday tasks that they would have normally taken for granted.

Making Changes to My Lifestyle

Your doctor will give you advice and support and will be able to put you in touch with support groups where you can meet with other Fibromyalgia sufferers – these groups are invaluable as you can learn from other people’s experiences and no longer have to feel as though you are suffering alone.

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I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia at aged 42; my doctor used the SHINE Protocol to diagnose and treat it the causes; after 9 months of treatment for all of the causes, my Fibro was gone. I have been Fibro free for 9 years. The causes of my Fibro was a prolonged case of mono, IBS, low thyroid, yeast overgrowth, and SIBO. As soon as all of them were treated, along with oral fungicides and 9 months of antiviral IVs, and treatment for my low thyroid, within months I was totally fibro free. Check out the SHINE Protocol --- it works!!!!
AC - 2-May-21 @ 2:39 AM
I was diagnosed with Fibro in April this year. The pain increases with stress, work is adding to the stress. I was told by Occ Health to WFH on days I was unable to make it into work.I let my boss know I was WFH and all I got was an email stating it was down to LM to say if I could WFH. I have now decided I will go sick each time I have severe pain/cannot walk so that I do not have the option to work at home even though advised buy Occ Health. My memory is worsening, I get frustrated, confused, annoyed, angry at the fact I cannot maintain in the job I'm currently in and have been in the firm for 21 yrs. I've tried PiP but got refused. I also suffer from depression (sometimes severe) epilepsy, under active thyroid and possible RA (I need to be checked) with Fibro thats the nail in the coffin as far as keeping my job. Anyone, please help me!!
Bagpuss - 13-Nov-19 @ 3:40 PM
THIS IS NOT WHAT WE NEED! “Dr. Frederick Wolfe, the director of the National Databank for Rheumatic Diseases and the lead author of the 1990 paper that first defined the diagnostic guidelines for fibromyalgia, says he has become cynical and discouraged about the diagnosis. He now considers the condition a physical response to stress, depression, and economic and social anxiety. “Some of us in those days thought that we had actually identified a disease, which this clearly is not,” Dr. Wolfe said. “To make people ill, to give them an illness, was the wrong thing” ” Source: The New York Times Like we don’t have enough trouble convincing......!
Jonesy - 31-Jul-18 @ 10:28 AM
I'm on 1000mg of Naproxin every day and it seems to be holding things at bay. Also take Asprin 75mg and Tamoxifen 20mg (breast cancer) Also 1000mg evening primrose oil Seems to be keeping things at bay x
Alycat - 19-Mar-17 @ 10:11 PM
I have been diagnosed with frybromaliga after care accident and taken 4 years for diagnosis also refused disability with there daft questions which have no reflection to what we go through yet druggies and alcoholics seem to get everything makes me mad
George - 5-Mar-17 @ 9:34 AM
I was diagnose with fibromyalgialast week after telling my doctor I felt like I had vitamin d3 deficency as I did before. He orderedme Neurontin I told him I wasn't taking it until I get my vit d3 results back. Sure enough my levels were low again. Symptoms of vit D3deficency are similar with those of fibromyalgia as I was reading. This still doesn't mean I don't have fibromyalgia time will tell. I'm still upset about this
Jk - 6-Jun-16 @ 5:59 PM
Your article is inaccurate and misleading, you do not have to not work to claim DLA/PIP, by giving this wrong information you are possibly putting people off claiming because they choose to work, please check these facts and adjust your article
VeggielInda - 23-Oct-14 @ 11:58 AM
I was diagnosed 2years ago after suffering chronic pain etc for 5 year!! I've tried many of the medications for relief only to settle into 400mg gabapentin 3times daily as wel and butrans morphine patch 20mg for the pain and I stil have ora morph as a back up for really bad flare ups! Although its masking my pains and problems its given me a window to do my intensive therapy in rehabilitation which is ment to help! I've not got a penny of disability as they say I'm fit for work!! Ive appealed and applyed to many times to count! I attend hospital for physio and hydro 3 times a week then I have my 2 pain management appointments on top!! most the other time is spent sleeping and resting my body!! it's disgusting they way we suffer and are still expected to work and juggle pain and appointments. Appologise for the rant ??x
Charlie - 29-Apr-13 @ 3:24 PM
i have just been told of my condition. its took almost 2yrs of symptoms. i would be happy for any feedback on the do.s and dont,s of what i should do,
caron - 8-Nov-12 @ 7:19 PM
I have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia for 3 years now and have been on every medication thought to help such as Pregabalin, Gabapentin, Amyltriptaline, Dicolofenac, strong Co-Codamol, Tramadol and liquid Morphine, none of which had an effect. I was on the cocktail of Co-codamol 3 times a day, with Diclofenac three times a day, Tramadol slow release at night and liquid morphine for the flare ups for two years which it turns out was the completely wrong thing to be on. The Diclofenac is widely used but is very aggressive to your stomach and liver, so much so that it had "upset" my liver function, sending my cholesterol levels rocketing. I have to take an ant-acid called Omeprazole to combat the diclofenac's side effects, but one of the side effects of Omeprazole (and Lanzoprazole) is Gynocamastia (apologies as the spelling may be incorrect) which is the formation of breast tissue, meaning I have grown a small boob! The entire cocktail also left me docile and depressed to the point of suicide, so I took it upon myself to quit all of the pain meds, only to use them in the severe flare ups. The result is my cognative function increased like a fog had lifted and my mood is so much happier. With regards to the pain, I have only noticed a minor increase and have yet to have a flare up (I have been off the meds for 4 weeks). The problem with the GP's is, they tend to treat the symptoms with drugs and not the cause which is the imbalance of neurotransmitters (mainly substance p) in the brain causing signals from the nerves to be interpreted as pain, when there is nothing wrong with that area of the body. Surely it is time for a neurotransmitter balancing drug? There are many videos on youtube from proffesionals at Stamford University USA that have a fantastic understanding of FMS, but the UK medical proffesion seems to be in the dark ages and desperately needs to catch up and I would be happy to volunteer for a trial if it meant that it moved forward so that this vile debilitating disorder could be irradicated.
Sparky Mark - 21-Jun-12 @ 10:45 AM
Some people tell you to pull yourself together, it is so good to find that your not the only one that feels this way. I have very good family support they know when I'm bad and help me no end.
el - 4-Apr-11 @ 9:33 AM
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