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Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia

By: Jack Claridge - Updated: 2 Dec 2024 | comments*Discuss
Fibromyalgia Syndrome

Chronic Fatigue is the feeling of always being tired, even if you have had a good night's sleep previously. The condition can leave the sufferer feeling washed out and feeling as though their body is too heavy for them to move. The condition can also be such that it leaves the sufferer feeling listless and unable to concentrate, giving the impression to others that they have not slept.

What Causes Chronic Fatigue?

Chronic Fatigue can be caused by any number of things. For the most part however the most common causes of Chronic Fatigue are as follows:

  • Epstein-Barr Virus
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Adrenal Deficiency
  • Kidney Failure
  • Lyme Disease
  • Hepatitis C
Any of the aforementioned conditions can cause Chronic Fatigue or have Chronic Fatigue as one of their symptoms. It is important therefore that when consulting your doctor you give as much information as you can so that he or she can eliminate any of those conditions mentioned above.

Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia

Many sufferers of Fibromyalgia experience Chronic Fatigue at some point in time. Some experience it daily whilst others only experience it occasionally depending on the nature of the 'flare-up'. Those who experience the problem regularly do so knowing that regardless of how much they rest or sleep they will still suffer from the condition when they wake up or begin moving around again.

Some Fibromyalgia sufferers who experience Chronic Fatigue can do so to such a degree that they will quite literally appear to be falling asleep whilst sitting up. This can be disconcerting not only for them but also for others around them. It is especially important that such sufferers do not operate heavy machinery or drive any vehicle on public roads.

Also many Fibromyalgia sufferers who experience Chronic Fatigue will find it difficult to perform everyday tasks that they found easy to carry out before falling foul of the illness. These tasks would include going shopping, going to work, and housework.

A Chronic Fatigue sufferer will also suffer headaches, muscle spasms, depression, mild fevers, sore throats and difficulty with cognitive tasks such as remembering vital pieces of information. Memory impairment is common among fatigue sufferers.

Dealing with Chronic Fatigue

It is not easy dealing with this part of Fibromyalgia; sufferers who sleep through the night and indeed sleep for long periods of time often awake to find that they feel as if they have not slept at all.

It is just as important for those around the fatigue sufferer to understand the nature of the problem as it is for the sufferer. Many families find it extremely frustrating to watch someone close to them try to deal with this aspect of the condition and it can often lead to problems in the home.

If you suffer from Chronic Fatigue then you should do a little and often. Try not to do too much at any one time as this will only seek to make the fatigue seem worse than it is. Light housework should be done in the morning, shopping and other related tasks should be carried out with the help of another individual where possible and if you feel you need to rest then you should do so. Fighting against this fatigue only seeks to make it seem worse.

Treating Chronic Fatigue

Unfortunately there is no known cure for this particular condition. At best you can expect your doctor perhaps to prescribe mild anti-depressants to help with bouts of depression which you will almost undoubtedly suffer as a result of the problem.

As detailed above you should not try to do too much at any one time; it is best to pace yourself and do only what you can and not what you think you can do, this only causes the fatigue to take a stronger hold.

Consult with your doctor and ask about ways in which you can reduce the effects of the condition but you should not expect the condition to improve quickly, unfortunately as many sufferers can vouch, the problem is one that improves in its own time.

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I have not been diagnosed with fibromyalgia as such. The doc thinks it is, I have been put on antidepressants. To quote him , to rewire my head. At 75 years old I have been in pain relief for at least 10years. Both my knees needed to be replaced,I fell of my bike, and it's taken that long to actually get them done. But I think the reason I have only just go really bad is because I have been on the pain killers for that. Now they want me to come off, of them which was no problem but with in days of going so I hurt all over, this was something that I had long ago.Arms aching,muscle cramps, fire ants all over and energy I could sleep for England. Most of this I had years ago. Doctor s put me on painkiller and had first my shoulders done then me knees. Now no painkillers, it has started again. Can't really do me shoulders and knees again.Don't think it would help anyway. Now my physio has said that she thinks I have fibromyalgia. See doctor easier said than done. But he said yes maybe. Now I can beat the pain,so far, but the brain fog , my granddaughter thinks I have dementia, and the tiredness is driving me up the wall. Worse the family don't understand. I don't understand. Is there anything I can do I really need to get my act together I can not keep going to bed.
barmie - 2-Dec-24 @ 1:05 PM
It started with long bouts of extreme tiredness, one thinks ore sleep is required, the more one sleeps the tireder one gets, waking up with stiff joints,pains all over the body, elbows, knees, shoulders, neck, back, buttock, stabbing pains, pins and needles, feeling very weak, inability to stand for anything longer than a few minutes, washing difficulties, dry eyes, itching flareups, try to record everything, dates , and explain to your GP all symptoms, don't be shy, if the GP brushes you off seek a second opinion, tell your family and friends. Forgetting thinks, brain fog, even forgetting where one is driving to, cooking difficulties, relying on ready made meals, help with washing, showering sitting on a shower chair.
Ali - 29-Apr-19 @ 1:22 AM
Chronic fatigue unfortunately comes with many conditions. When i had first started with fibromyalgia i was falling asleep everywhere. I couldnt help but fall asleep. It doesn't get any better and the only way of dealing with it is to just return back to your bed. Do nothing. It doesn't just effect you physically it effects you mentally as well. Those days where you cant think,cant move, you just fall asleep where you are sat. Fussy head, an headache that is just there,your head feels tight and your eyes feel sore. You cant read,cant think, and the pains come, you just cant do nothing.
Demonica - 5-Dec-16 @ 10:10 AM
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